What is Vastu Shastra Benefits of Vastu Shastra?

We all have heard the term ‘Vastu Shastra’ which can be translated to ‘the science of architecture’ in English. But what exactly it is? Is it just coined term or fabrication which literally has no sense in real life? Let’s decode it. What is Vastu Shastra? Vastu Shastra rules are regarding the elements of nature …

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The Importance of a Name – How Your Name Affects Your Life?

My name is Sachin Sharma and I’m a numerologist from 34 years. As we know our name is the most important or first basic thing in our life as it provides us with an identity. Nowadays people adopted to keep short names or two words name, which is absolutely wrong. Every word has a number …

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Business Consultation Through Numerology?

Are you happy with your profession and business? Some people will answer- Yes, they are absolutely happy with their progress and results but some people are getting lose in their business and not doing well and hence worse results are there. So the question is- why some people are successful in their business and some …

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Importance of Vastu Shastra for home, office or factory?

What is Vastu Shastra? Whenever we talk or heard about the Vastu Shastra, we always relate it to the superstitious things and religion. But it’s nothing to relate it with superstitious or religious terms. Vastu Shastra is a completely scientific term and it is proved too. Most of the people have a myth in their …

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